DirectoryStack Logo Light Mode


The boilerplate uses Inter as the default fonts for both, headings and regular text.

  1. Go to the layout.tsx file in the /app folder and change the following part to any other
// Part 1
import { Inter } from 'next/font/google';

// Part 2
const inter = Inter({
	variable: '--font-inter',
	subsets: ['latin'],
	display: 'swap',

// Part 3
<html lang="en" className={`${inter.variable}`}>

to e.g.

// Part 1
import { Space_Mono } from 'next/font/google'

// Part 2
const SpaceMono = Space_Mono({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  display: 'swap',
  variable: '--font-body',

// Part 3
<html lang="en" className={`${SpaceMono.variable}`}>

Example taken from public themes:

  1. Follow the above tutorial but import 2 fonts
// Part 1
import { Bricolage_Grotesque } from 'next/font/google'
import { Space_Mono } from 'next/font/google'

// Part 2
const fontHeading = Bricolage_Grotesque({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  display: 'swap',
  variable: '--font-heading',

const fontBody = Space_Mono({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  display: 'swap',
  variable: '--font-body',

// Part 3

<html lang="en" className={`${fontHeading.variable,

  1. Go to globals.css in your /app folder and add
@layer base {
	body {
		@apply font-body;

	h6 {
		@apply font-heading;
  1. Go to tailwind.config.js and add (not replace)
import { fontFamily } from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme';

export default {
	theme: {
		extend: {
			fontFamily: {
				heading: ['var(--font-heading)', ...fontFamily.sans],
				body: ['var(--font-body)', ...fontFamily.mono],

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