We are launching v2: only $99 during beta phase.

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You are currently viewing the v2 documentation.
You can view the v1 documentation here.


We'll need a way to create your account as well. We decided to keep the authentication lean and only support email & password for now, but you can add any social logins yourself. If there is general interest, we might add tutorials for magic link & social logins.

Configure email and password authentication:

  1. In Supabase, navigate to Email Templates under Auth Templates.
  2. Replace the current body of the Confirm Signup email template with the following content:
<h2>Confirm your signup</h2>

<p>Follow this link to confirm your user:</p>
		href="{{ .SiteURL }}/api/user-auth/confirm-hash?token_hash={{ .TokenHash }}&type=signup"
		>Confirm your mail</a

This will allow us to safely confirm whether a user really signed up for our services.

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