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The project is structured like a regular TypeScript-based Next.js 14 project which is using the modern /app folder. Here is what the file tree looks like when you clone the project:

  • app
    • _actions (all server actions)
      • moduleName (e.g. 'auth' or 'tags')
        • serverAction.ts (specific server action belonging to that module: 1 file = 1 function)
    • _components (all components)
      • ___pageName (components belonging to a certain page, e.g. home)
      • _ui (all shadcn and other custom UI-only components)
      • moduleName (e.g. ads or comments)
        • componentName.tsx (specific component belonging to what module: 1 file = 1 component)
      • componentName.tsx (general purpose components used multiple times through out the app - e.g. Footer)
    • _constants
      • constants.ts (the company config file with all static data)
    • _lib (helper functions)
      • utils.ts (general purpose helper functions like capitalize())
      • useXYZ.ts (Custom React Hooks)
      • otherName.ts (Standalone functions with a single purpose, e.g. Error Handling)
    • _types (all typescript types)
      • supabase-queries.ts (custom supabase queries and corresponding types)
      • supabase.ts (automated supabase types - directly from the database)
      • types.ts (general purpose types used in multiple files)
    • (Protected) (Page Group of user or admin protected paths)
      • account (all account related pages)
        • moduleName (e.g. 'posts' or 'settings')
    • (Public) (Page Group of publically available paths)
      • (auth) (Page Group of all auth-related pages)
      • (legal) (Page Group of all legal-related pages)
      • otherName (e.g. 'explore')
    • api (API-related pages)
      • moduleName (e.g. auth)
    • file: apple-icon.png (If users bookmark your page on their iPhone, this icon will be shown)
    • file: error.tsx and global-error.tsx (Standalone html pages which are shown in case there are errors)
    • file: globals.css (This file includes tailwind css styles and custom shadcn themes.)
    • file: icon.ico (This is the icon shown in the tab of the browser.)
    • file: layout.tsx (This is the layout of your whole app.)
    • file: manifest.ts (This is to let browsers and search engines know where to find your icons.)
    • file: not-found.ts (Component shown when a file or path cannot be found.)
    • file: page.tsx (This is your front page.)
    • file: sitemap.ts (This file generates your sitemap automatically!)
  • public (storage of publically available files)
    • icons
    • img
    • logos
    • file: favicon.ico (This is the icon shown in the tab of the browser. I feel it is used in local development.)
  • supabase (Supabase migration & seed files which are used to setup your database schema)
  • files: .eslintignore, .eslintrc, .gitignore, .prettierignore, mdx-components.tsx, next-env.d.ts, next.config.js, package.json, pnpm-lock.yaml, postcss.config.js, tailwind.config.ts, tsconfig.json (general purpose files, you do not need to care about)
  • file: .env.local (holds your secret keys - copy the content to your hosting provider)
  • file: middleware.ts (Supabase auth is configured here. If you need to change something.)
  • file: (This file contains a setup guide in short form.)
  • file: vercel.json (This file configures your CRON Jobs. If you do not host on Vercel, make sure to re-create the file's logic with your other hosting provider.)

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